Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Jakarta pulses with vibrant contrasts and crazy, crazy traffic.

Night view of Jalan Thamrin Avenue, central Jakarta

If you can stand its pollution, and if you can afford to indulge in its charms, then Jakarta is one of the region's most exciting metropolises. Consider Jakarta the 'big durian' - the foul-smelling exotic fruit that some can't stomach and others can't resist.

Once saddled with a reputation as a poverty-ridden hell hole, Jakarta mutated into an Asian boom town in not much more than a decade. Reduced by the 1998 riots to a burnt-out shell, it remains very much at the centre of political events re-shaping Indonesia.

Wayang Golek rod puppets, used to tell stories from Ramayana and Mahabharata

View of Sunda Kelapa from old port watchtower

Istiqial Mosque, biggest in all Southeast Asia

Arjuna, the archer, and Krishna, god of transcendental self, downtown Jakarta

Candles and incense burn on main altar, Vihara Dharma Bkakti Buddhist temple

Open air pasar ikan (fish market) in Sumba Kelapa

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